Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I had so many plans. So many good posts to share with all of you, however finals are upon me now so I will share with you some of my glorious plans.

I was going to make a post about how much people don't remember from high school and how it saddens me. For example earthquakes do not occur in Indiana, and neither do Hurricanes. (maybe I should change that to very, very, very, very rarely, but you get my point)

I was going to make a post about the BCS again and how, though I am very excited for the Longhorns because I love them, I wish that the BCS did not have such a clear pick for the national championship this year because the BCS sucks and the system doesn't work.

I was going to post a QuickTime video that Sam sent me of the Tennessee cheerleaders and mascot running out onto the Notre Dame Football Field and running into eachother and falling over. (I couldn't figure out how to post a video, and stupid blogspot didn't have any helpful advice).

I was going to tell you all about the Harry Potter movie and how good/bad it was and what my future opinions on the next movie and the next book are.

But it appears that due to finals, no one will here from me. Sorry do disappoint my reading public (which is comprised of like 2 people) but you'll have to wait til after December 20th when I am sane again (well as sane as I ever was to begin with).





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